Will Joe Biden be the Jeb Bush of the 2020 election cycle?

Oz Sultan
The Ish
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2019


Former vice president Joe Biden, who has had a rather darling relationship with the media and social media — over the course of the past few years — is finding both his behavior and politics to be putting him in a brand new hot water.

To begin with there is the ongoing complaints of inappropriate touching by numerous women and girls.

Biden has apologized for these — but as of last couple weeks the ‘touches’ keep on coming.

What’s Troubling inside of these accusations — is how they start to drift towards questions of racism stemming from both Biden‘s previous policy positions (that have led to legislation), as well as his seeming deference towards black women.

Mind you, this is on the heels of the recent upheaval we’ve had with the Virginia governor appearing in black face in his yearbook.

There is also the current challenges of cronyism and back door dealing that appear to have occurred while Biden was a sitting vice president and his children appeared to have profiteered.

The question of racial insensitivity and racism also span across party lines with Freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez chiming in.

Additionally there’s the question of waffling and supporting issues only to appear popular for the sake of appearing popular.

A couple of weeks ago button was for the abortion ban — and shortly there after this happened:

Whether you are pro-choice or pro life it’s reasonably important to have a viewpoint that — well — kind of echoes what you mean and what you want for your constituents. Constituents are actual people not polls — and waffling this wildly isn’t indicative of someone that people want as a leader.

There are even Memes of this now

And beyond the Memes — there is a significant amount of questioning that is going on amongst the American populace.

With over 20 candidates qualifying into the Democratic Presidential debates — The question does become where does Biden fit inside of this equation?

Does the DNC really want the candidate that waffles this much and who would effectually become the ‘groper’ in Chief?

The more obvious and relevant question however — is one of where will Bidens lewdness and lack of accountability land him in this race to 2020?

Donald Trump may not be the most charismatic or popular president of all time — however he has demonstrated the ability to grow the economy and start tackling tough trade issues that have plagued America for decades.

In the face of those types of successes — one has to question, if Biden who’s monikers range from #jailinjoe to #creepyjoe May just suffer the fate of Jeb Bush over the next few months.

Lastly, As American voters are getting wise to what the Clinton three strikes policy did to incarcerate an entire generation of black America.

This stands to give a tremendous amount of leverage to the Trump campaign to mobilize black voters should Biden actually secure the DNC nomination.

This collection of strikes against Biden is going to be weighing on voters minds over the coming months.

As the debates heat up — If Biden can’t address these things we very well might have Jeb 2.0 on our hands.

